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October 07, 2016

FBI Files Reveal Two Missing Email ‘Boxes’ in Clinton Case … Yes, Thus is Evidence Tampering

Posted in: collusion,Conspiracy,Corruption,Cover-Up,Crime,email,Email-Gate,Ethics,FBI,Hillary Clinton,Main,WTF,You Got Email-gate,You Tube - VIDEO


We now learn from FOX News that two bankers boxes containing printouts of Clinton’s emails have gone missing in the Clinton private email server crimes are missing. Imagine that. The FBI should be ashamed of themselves and director Comey needs to resign. Just how corrupt is the FBI in their complicity to help Hillary Clinton cover up her obvious crimes? Or is the FBI that incompetent? In either case, Comey needs to resign in disgrace. How any one with the mountain of evidence and the obvious evidence tampering and attempt t destroy evidence was not recommended to be indicted by and FBI and prosecuted by the Department of Justice is one of the greatest travesties of justice and coverups this country has ever seen.

But what difference does it make that two boxes of my emails went missing, the liberal MSM will never care or report on it.

Hillary Clinton_What Difference Does it make

This case gets worse and worse and the cover-up just gets more obvious each passing day. Now it is up to Donald Trump to nail her on this in the next debate and actually articulate the issue, the crime and the conspiracy to cover up her actions. America, how could you possible vote for some one that you know is this corrupt?

These boxes didn’t go missing, they were destroyed and everyone knows it.

Buried in the 189 pages of heavily redacted FBI witness interviews from the Hillary Clinton email investigation are details of yet another mystery — about two missing “bankers boxes” filled with the former secretary of state’s emails.

The interviews released earlier this month, known as 302s, also reveal the serious allegation that senior State Department official Patrick Kennedy applied pressure to subordinates to change the classified email codes so they would be shielded from Congress and the public.

The details about the boxes are contained in five pages of the FBI file – with a staggering 111 redactions – that summarize the statements of a State Department witness who worked in the “Office of Information Programs and Services (IPS).” The employee told the FBI that, “Initially, IPS officials were told there were 14 bankers boxes of former Secretary of State Hillary CLINTON’s emails at CLINTON’s Friendship Heights office.” Friendship Heights is a neighborhood that straddles the Northwest neighborhood of the District of Columbia and Maryland.

The State Department witness further explained to the FBI that “on or about December 5, 2014, IPS personnel picked up only 12 bankers boxes of CLINTON’s emails from Williams & Connolly.”

The officials were not sure if the boxes “were consolidated or what could have happened to the two other boxes.

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