Barack Obama & Vladimir Putin Phone Conversation on ‘The Tonight Show’ … Obamacare is a Joke in Russia, Too
Posted in: America - United States,Barack Obama,Comedian in Chief,Community Agitator,Democrats,Epic Fail,Fun,Humor,Leading from Behind,Liberals,Misleader,Obamacare,Obamanation,Polls,Progressives,Real Clear Politics,Russia,Ukraine,Vladimir Putin,We the People,You Tube - VIDEO
Imagine a government forcing people to accept something that the majority of them don’t even want. In fact, what if 38.9% were in favor and 53.6% were against, or a -14.7% average of people were against what a government had forced on its people. Are we referring to Putin, Russia and Crimea? Hardly, we are talking about Barack Obama, Democrats and Obamacare. How bad is it when we can compare what Russia does to it’s citizens to that what those in power in America does to theirs?
From Jilly Fallon and The Tonight Show:
Obama - “Don’t you see what you’re doing though? You’re forcing people to accept something that the majority of them don’t even want.”
Putin – “Yes, in Russia we have word for this … Obamacare“.
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