Oh the Irony … Obamacare’s Unpopularity Rises Among the Uninsured
Posted in: Barack Obama,Campaigner in Chief,Chicago-Style Politics,Democrats,Epic Fail,Healthcare.gov,Liberals,Misleader,Misrepresentation,Obamacare,Obamanation,Obamatax,Politics,Polls,Progressives,The Lying King,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO
You just can’t make this stuff up, Obamacare’s unpopularity is rising among the, hold it, hold it, … the UNINSURED!!!
President Barack Obama, Sen. Harry Reid (D-NV), then Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), Obama’s minions and the lapdog liberal MSM all touted Obamacare as the way to insure the so-called 50 million uninsured in America. However, the lies, broken promises and unpopularity of Obamacare keeps coming. A Kaiser Health Tracking Poll: January 2014, the almost unthinkable, yet comical data is coming forth with regards to the very people that Obamacare was intended to help. As the deadline for 2014 enrollment nears, Obamacare is increasingly growing unpopular, especially among the uninsured. 47% of Americans who lack health insurance have an unfavorable opinion of Obamacare, outnumbering by 2-to-1 those uninsured Americans who like Obamacare at 24%
Who thinks that part of this has to do with that there was a perception that Obamacare would be free and now those who did not have insurance previously either because they could not afford it or did not want it are now forced by law to buy it or else? Barack Obama and his minions have mislead an entire country.
Poll chart via Kaiser Family Foundation
Among The Uninsured, Unfavorable Views Outnumber Favorable By 2-to-1, And More Believe They’re Worse Off Under The Law Than Better
Among the uninsured – a key group targeted by the ACA – views of the law shifted negative this month. A quarter (24 percent) of those who currently lack coverage now say they have a favorable view of the law, while nearly twice as many (47 percent) have an unfavorable view and about three in ten (28 percent) decline to offer an opinion. In December, views among the uninsured were more evenly split (36 percent favorable, 43 percent unfavorable).
More than half of the uninsured (54 percent) say the law hasn’t made much difference for their families, and the share who feel they’re worse off as a result of the law is more than twice the share who feel they’re better off (30 percent versus 13 percent). When asked about the uninsured as a group, those without coverage are more likely to say the law has left this group worse off than better (39 percent versus 26 percent). We will continue to track these perceptions as more of the uninsured gain coverage.
Reporter for The Washington Free Beacon Ellison Barber discussed a recent survey which indicated uninsured Americans do not like Obamacare Thursday with Eric Bolling on Fox News.
Barber noted many of the uninsured are discovering Obamacare is not as cheap as advertised. Subsidies only cover up to 400 percent of the federal poverty line, so families with larger expenses but who surpass that income threshold will get stuck with bigger price tags for health insurance.
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