71% of Voters Believe It’s Somewhat Likely President Obama or Senior Officials in his Administration Were Aware Before Obamacare was Passed that Health Insurance Costs Would Go Up for Some Americans.” … #You Lie
Posted in: #You Lie,Abuse of Power,Barack Obama,Chicago-Style Politics,Conspiracy,Cover-Up,Democrats,Divider in Chief,Epic Fail,Government,Gutter Politics,Healthcare,HHS,Imperial President,Kathleen Sebelius,Liberals,Misleader,Obamacare,Obamanation,Polls,Progressives,Rasmussen,The Lying King,Transparency,You Can Keep Your Insurance
71% of Americans believe they were lied to about Obamacare …
From the Washington Examiner via a recent Rasmussen poll, that 71% of Americans believe that President Obama and his health care team knew well in advance that insurance costs would surge despite his promises they wouldn’t. Also, 40% want HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius to retire or be fired. So not only did they know you could not keep your insurance if you liked it, they also knew the costs would increase as well.
Rasmussen Reports found that 71 percent of voters believe “it’s at least somewhat likely that President Obama or senior officials in his administration were aware long before the law began being implemented that health insurance costs would go up for some Americans.”
Worse for the president: Only 18 percent want Obamacare to move on unchanged, but 43 percent want it repealed and the process started over and another 35 percent want Congress to fix it in a piecemeal fashion.
However, I have to sadly agree with the comments by Debra Heine at Brietbart.com with regards to the apathy and “oh well” mentality that is going on in the United States. We are a government of, by and for the people and ‘We the People” seem more engaged to the celebrity of the day and reality TV.
When the vast majority of American voters can agree they were lied to in order pass a controversial bill on a party line vote that amounts to a takeover of nearly 1/6 of the economy, and a large percent of them say, yeah, so what? – Our country is in deep trouble. According to Rasmussen, 48% of Likely U.S. Voters still approve of Obama’s job performance. Unbelievable.
America, would you stand the hell up for yourselves and take your liberty, freedoms and country back! Pretend like you actually care. The Founding Fathers are shaking their collective heads at the apathy.
In other polling, Rasmussen finds that 51% believe that the “individual” mandate should be delayed, while 34% say no.
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