CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo Says ObamaCare Forcing America to Become a Part-Time Employment Country as Businesses Shift to Part-Time Workers
Posted in: Barack Obama,Business,Chicago-Style Politics,class warfare,Community Agitator,Divider in Chief,Economy,Epic Fail,Government,Healthcare,Jobs,Labor Force,Leading from Behind,Misleader,Nanny State - Big Government,Obamacare,Obamanation,Obamatax,Politics,PT/FT Jobs,The Dodger in Chief,The Lying King,You Tube - VIDEO
The heck with the Obamacare website glitches, Obamacare has much worse consequences on America and Americans … Obamacare is a full-time job killer.
CNBC’s Maria Bartiromo said on ‘Meet the Press’ on Sunday that “ObamaCare is forcing businesses to shift to part-time workers.” She went on to say that America was “becoming something of a part-time employment country.” However, no one in the MSM wants to address the fact that Obama’s signature piece of legislation is causing American workers to lose their full-time jobs. Isn’t that special, in order for a small minority of people to have access to insurance, all Americans are forced to buy insurance or else pay a tax, and workers are losing money in their pay checks as businesses shift to a part-time work model. Thanks Barack Obama.
Intentional or irony … Obama’s signature piece of legislation kills FT jobs and affects the middle class, the very people he claims to be for? Is it any wonder why Obama is the worst jobs president in modern times.
Maria Bartiromo is sadly100% correct. Check out Zero Hedge, where of the 953,000 jobs created in 2013, 77%, or 731,000 are part-time ones. Many businesses are are now only hiring PT employees in order to avoid Obamacare or are shifting those that were full-time to part-time. Who didn’t see that coming?
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