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April 15, 2008

As Public Employees Boycott & Protest in Aruba … Let’s Remember What’s Really Important … Justice for Natalee Holloway

Posted in: Aruba,boycott,Corruption,Crime,Missing Persons,Murder,Natalee Holloway

The protests and strikes continue in Aruba by public employees over higher wages as tourists come to Aruba and are presented with less that standard safety and service by the mere nature of the strikes. However, the question does come to mind … are the people of Aruba capable of protesting for a cause that is not as self serving as an increase in pay?

If the good people of Aruba actually had a clue, below is what their protests and strikes should have looked like over 2 1/2 years ago after Natalee Holloway went missing. Care about human life as much as you care about your wallet.


Aruba, imagine how prosperous your tourism would be and the image you would project to the world if your protests looked like this.

The truth of the matter is, if Aruba had provided “JUSTICE FOR NATALEE” there would have been no drop in tourism and the workers would have been able to maintain their wages and even get increases. Instead, they chose to sit on their hands and allow a miscarriage of justice and a joke of an investigation to occur.

To the people of Aruba … you still have the opportunity to do the right thing and demand justice in the case of Natalee Holloway.

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