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December 31, 2012

Ban on Assault Rifles? Why Isn’t Obama and Democrats Banning Knives, Hands, Fists, Feet and Bats … What About Shot Guns? … Ban DUI, Illegal Immigrants, They Kill More

Posted in: 2nd Amendment,Abuse of Power,Barack Obama,Community Agitator,Crime,Democrats,Divider in Chief,Government,Gun Control,Liberals,Misrepresentation,Moonbats,Murder,Obamanation,Sandy Hook Elementary School Massacre,The Lying King,US Constitution,WTF

THE BIG ASSAULT WEAPONS LIE … Is Obama going to enact new laws that ban knives, hands, feet and blunt objects like bats? What about shotguns? How about Illegal Immigrants?

One needs to look no further than the FBI data for murders in 2011 to understand that President Obama and Democrats are using the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy for their own political gain. They claim its about safety and the protecting of children. Really?  This weekend in a ‘Meet the Press’ interview Obama said he was going to enact new gun measures in 2013. Did you know that according to the FBI that more people are murdered annually by knives, shot guns, objects, hands/fists/feet, DUI and by illegal immigrant DUI’s that assault weapons? Where is the hue & cry to ban illegals who commit a 9-11 every year with DUI deaths?

However, if you actually take a look at the murder stats complied by the FBI you will note that hand guns are actually the highest percentage of the cause of murders in the US, not assault rifles. When applying the unknown guns by percentage to hand guns, rifles and shot guns … rifles are responsible for 3.2%, shotguns 3.5% , knives 13.4% and other sharp objects , other weapons 13.1% , and hands/fists/feet 5.7%. That is correct, with all the attention and exploitation by Democrats and the community agitator in Chief Obama, more people are actually killed by shot guns than assault rifles. Especially when you factor in that the category below is all rifles, not just assault rifles. 2.5% more people were killed by one’s hands/fists and feet than by rifles. 11.2% more people were murdered by knives and other piercing objects than rifles. And 10.9% more people were killed by other blunt objects like bats than rifles.

Table 20 – FBI murder stats (see full table and results)

 So why is there no talk about legislation to ban knives, other blunt force objects and hands/fists/feet/ when they kill more readily than rifles, hmm? I guess that will be next for Obama to go after. Make no mistake about it America, this is about gun control and weakening the 2nd Amendment, not protecting children.

What about DUI deaths in the United States? In 2010 an estimated 10,228 people who died in drunk driving crashes, accounting for 31% of all traffic deaths last year. Far more individuals were killed as a result of DUI than assault weapons yet where is the outcry from Barack Obama and Democrats about drunk driving?

US Rep. Steve King (R-Iowa) quoted from a Congressional Report, “Drawing a Line in the Sand” which reveals 25 Americans are killed every day by illegal aliens. The estimate is 12 are murdered and 13 killed in traffic violations, mostly from drunk driving; over 9,000 Americans killed every year.

It’s all about exploiting the Sandy Hook Elementary school murders and the US Constitution, not protecting children. A ban will do nothing  We need to look no further than to see the FBI stats to see that states like NY, IL and DC that have harsh gun laws are the highest in murders.


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