Radical Imam Anjem Choudary Says on Live TV that Pamela Geller She Should be Put to Death for Hosting Mohammed Cartoon Contest (VIDEO)
Posted in: al-Qaeda,First Amendment,Freedom of Speech,ISIS,Islam/Muslims,Islamist,Islamofascist,Jihad,Radical Islam,Sharia Law,Terrorism,US Constitution,War on Terror,You Tube - VIDEO
If you missed it, watch below the amazing exchange from FOX News – Hannity between Radical London Imam Anjem Choudary and Pamela Geller. During the interview, Iman Choudary said that Pamela Geller should be brought in front of a Sharia court and put to death for her actions. That is correct, on LIVE TV Choudary called for the death of Geller and wanted her dead for deliberately hosting a cartoon contest that insulted the prophet Mohammad. The hell with free protected speech as afforded by the United States Constitution, this Iman wants Geller in front of a Muslim Sharia court and be put to death. Welcome to Islam, the religion of Peace.
After Geller had to listen to the vile threats from Choudary, it was her turn to talk; however, the radical Iman kept interrupting her. That was when Pam Geller had the line of the night and said to Anjem Choudary, “I’m talking, sir … I know you’re used to stepping over women but you’re not going to have it here.”
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