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December 10, 2013

Incumbent Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor Trails GOP Challenger Rep. Tom Cotton in Arkansas 48% to 41%

Posted in: 2014 Elections,AR: Pryor (D) - Cotton (R) 2014,Barack Obama,Blue Dog Democrats,Campaigner in Chief,Chicago-Style Politics,Community Agitator,cronyism,Democrats,Divider in Chief,Epic Fail,Government,Healthcare,Healthcare Canceled,Healthcare.gov,Insurance Canceled,Liars,Liberals,Misleader,Misrepresentation,Obamacare,Obamanation,Politics,Polls,Progressives,Republican,Senate,Senate Elections,The Lying King,You Can Keep Your Insurance

Democrat Senator in Serious Trouble Because of Barack Obama and Obamacare … Democrats, Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid.

According to a new poll from Citizens United Political Victory Fund by Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway of the polling company, Inc./WomanTrend, shows that incumbent Democrat Senator Mark Pryor is in serious trouble and trails Republican challenger Tom Cotton, 48% to 41%. Many Democrat politicians in “red” states are considered vulnerable because of their support of Obamacare and the disaster and lie that it has turned out to be. Pryor trails badly with Independents, 31%-52%.  Also, Barack Obama and Obamacare have a favorable, unfavorable in Arkansas of 35%-61% and 29%-62%, respectively.

Mark Pryor_Obama

Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor trails his Republican challenger, Rep. Tom Cotton, by seven points among likely voters in Arkansas, 48 percent to 41 percent, according to a new poll from a conservative group that says his support of the health care reform law is costing him.

The survey, shared exclusively with POLITICO, was conducted Friday and Saturday for the Citizens United Political Victory Fund by Republican pollster Kellyanne Conway of the polling company, Inc./WomanTrend.

Cotton is ahead among independents by 21 points and among women by 4 points.

“Mark Pryor is synonymous with Obamacare and Obamacare is synonymous with making life worse for the American people,” said David N. Bossie, president of Citizens United. “That’s why Pryor is losing to Cotton in the Arkansas Senate race.”

Pryor, considered by many to be the most vulnerable of the incumbents running for reelection, is viewed favorably by 44 percent of Arkansas voters and unfavorably by 39 percent. The poll found that only one-third of independents view Pryor favorably and 52 percent see him in a negative light.

Other data from the polland from Hot Air.

I guess Barack Obama must have promised Mark Pryor and the other Democrats who voted for Obamacare against the will of the American people, you can keep your Senate and House seat, if you like your Senate and House seat. We all know how that worked for American insureds.

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