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May 10, 2008

Talk about a Senior Moment: Barack Obama Wants to be President of All 57 States

Posted in: Barack Obama,Bizarre,Politics,Presidential Election 2008,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO

With Obama its all about CHANGE … including the number of States in the US.

Who knew there were actually 60 states in the USA. No wonder Barack Obama is worried that Hillary Clinton may still be in the race for the Democratic nomination. Read all about Obama’s new math …

911 firefighters-raise-flag

FYI Obama, there are 50 stars on the US Flag to represent the number of States that make up America. Like on the US Flag raised above at Ground Zero in NYC after 9–11.

Democratic Presidential soon to be nominee Barack Obama wants to be President of all 57 States of the US. 57??? That’s correct, straight from the horses mouth. Folks, tired or not … a person running for President should know at all times just how many states make up the territory that they would be governing. Is Barack Obama getting senile?

“It is wonderful to be back in Oregon,” Obama said. “Over the last 15 months, we’ve traveled to every corner of the United States. I’ve now been in 57 states? I think one left to go. Alaska and Hawaii, I was not allowed to go to even though I really wanted to visit, but my staff would not justify it.”

Marc Ambinder reminds us of the obvious when it comes to the bias main stream liberal media. If John McCain had ever had a gaffe like this “the media would be all up in his grill, accusing him of a senior moment”. If is was a Republican that made such a gaffe, the MSM would be raising hell as to their incompetence, their age, are they up for the task, and on and on and on. Maybe some one needs to ask Obama how to spell POTATO.

Stop the ACLU does the Barack Obama new math of the number of states in the US. In Obama’s world there are actually 60 states, 57+1+2.

How many states are there? Well, ummm…we’ve been to 57 with one left to go, then subtract Hawaii and Alaska…ummmm…. Unbelievable!

Little did Obama know that after his 57 state comment that new flag pins would be made. No matter, he wouldn’t wear them anyhow. Maybe if he did wear a flag pin he could actually remember just how many states make up America. Obama, who is losing their bearings?

More from the blogs:

From Suitably Flip: Check out the lasted new Flag Pin from the Barack Obama campaign.


(Click on flag pin)

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