No He Did Not … WH Mouth Piece Jay Carney Says, “Just Because IRS Apologized Doesn’t Mean They Did Anything Wrong”
Posted in: Abuse of Power,Barack Obama,Chicago-Style Politics,Corruption,Cover-Up,Epic Fail,First Amendment,Freedom of Speech,Government,Imperial President,IRS,IRS-gate,Justice Department,Media,Politics of Fear,Scandal,Smear Campaign,The Lying King,Transparency,Tyranny,US Constitution,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO
Are you joking, as if Obama White House Spokesman Spin Doctor had not lost all credibility, now he say the following dribble? Carney actually said today, when asked about why President Barack Obama used the word “IF” after the IRS had already apologized and acknowledged wrong doing in targeting Conservative groups like the Tea Party, that the IRS apology was not evidence of a scandal. HUH? That’s it Carney, keep digging that hole. These folks are making matters worse at this point and its about to become quicksand for the Obama presidency. Carney is to have us believe that Barack Obama and his peeps did not know anything of what the IRS was doing, nor the ridiculous narrative that Obama knew nothing about Benghazi and AP-gate. In other words we either have the biggest liar as president that has ever set foot in the White House or the most incompetent fool who has no idea what is going on around him. You make the call.
Obama through his mouth piece Carney wants Americans to wait for an investigation by the Obama/Holder Justice Department who could not find voter intimidation by Black Panthers in Philly, yet we are supposed to have faith that they can investigate themselves when the IRS targeted an Obama enemies list. Really?
Does Jay Carney have any more credibility? He is now below uses cars salesman on the cred meter.
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