So Raping 13 Year Old Girls is OK if you are 5′ -1″ (Richard W. Thompson – Sex Offender)
Posted in: Bizarre,Child Welfare,Crime,Judicial,Sex Offender,WTF
Ever wonder why we read and see so many cases of teen and pre-teen girls and boys sexually assaulted, raped and murdered? The answer lies in our pathetic legal system and judges that should have their heads examined, then thrown off the bench. Richard W. Thompson, the too short sex offender, had his probation upheld. That’s correct. Our legal system has decided that a convicted sex offender should not serve jail time because he is too short. They also deemed that be would not re-offend, he was not a sexual predator, nor a pedophile. Huh? So much for victims rights.
OMAHA, Neb. – A judge had valid reasons for sentencing a 5-foot-1 sex offender to probation, even though she cited the offender’s height as part of her rationale, the Nebraska Court of Appeals ruled Tuesday. An examination by a clinical psychologist and the results of a test used to determine the risk that Richard W. Thompson would reoffend both indicated that Thompson, 52, is neither a pedophile nor a sexual predator, the court said. (Yahoo News)
Then what would one call a person who sexually assaults a 13 year old girl? We would call him a predator, a sex offender/predator and a pedophile. However, in this case all definitions are turned on their heads.
Last year this piece of garbage was sentenced to 10 years probation for sexually assaulting a 13 year old girl. District Judge Kristine Cecava of Cheyenne County stated the following during sentencing, “I shake to think what might happen to you in prison because I don’t think you’ll do well in prison.” Honestly, who cares what happens to a sex offender who assaults a 13 year old girl. So are we to presume that the judge does not shake when a 52 year old man violates a 13 year old girl? What is going on in our society that such actions are deemed acceptable and not appropriately punished?
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