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September 10, 2010

Quran Burning Called Off, Maybe Not … Move Ground Zero Mosque? … Deal, No Deal

Posted in: 9/11,al-Qaeda,Bizarre,Hamas,Mosque near Ground Zero,Religion,Taliban,War on Terror,WTF

The insanity of the insane …

Can we just preface this by saying that all involved in the Quaran book burning and the Grind Zero Mosque are crazy attention seeking fools with self-serving and evil intentions! Could there be any more insanity from all involved, all in the name of tolerance and God, yea right.

The AP is reporting that theQuran book burning has been called off and the lunatic pastor is saying there is a deal to have the Ground Zero mosque moved. Rut-roh, seems to be some going back on the deal, if there ever was one.  Oh, but wait … there is no deal to move the mosque. Gateway Pundit says, “Pastor Terry Jones told reporters tonight that his planned bonfire is back on after he was “lied to” by a local imam.”

The leader of a tiny Florida church says he won’t follow through on a plan to burn copies of Islam’s holy text if he’s able to meet Saturday with the organizers behind a mosque planned near ground zero in New York.

Speaking to NBC’s “Today” show, the Rev. Terry Jones said if he meets with the imam in New York, he won’t burn the Quran. It wasn’t clear if he meant the burning would be halted indefinitely or just for Saturday.

 Now the lunatic Florida pastor says the Quran burning might go forward after all. we agree with Weasel Zippers, MAKE IT STOP!

Oh wait, now we know that the insanity has arrived. The lunatic fringe from the Westboro Baptist Church have stated that if  Gainesville’s Dove World Outreach Center calls its off, they will burn the Qurans. Does the Westboro Baptist folks really want to mess with radical Islam? They might be even more insane than the members of Westboro.

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