CHANGE? Hugo Chavez Says Obama Smells Like Sulfur Too in Copenhagen
Posted in: Aruba,Barack Obama,Bizarre,Obamanation,Politics,Scared Monkeys Radio,Socialism,US National Security,War on Terror,World,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO
It ain’t George W. Bush in Copenhagen or the President of the United States, yet Hugo Chavez tells the delegates at the Copenhagen Climate Conference that Obama Smells Like Sulfur Too … Mmm, mmm, mmm, Barack Hussein Obama.
This is a reference that Obama is the “Devil” as well. Chavez’s speech was met with applause and a standing ovation. America, how are you feeling about that hope and change now?
Wasn’t the reason that Barack Obama was elected president was because he was not George W. Bush and that the World would look at us differently? That Obama would take a new approach with world leaders like Hugo Chavez and Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad?
Fausta’s has the full translation:
…That’s why we thank the president for giving President Morales and me a chance to speak.
It would have been regrettable if they had attempted to veto us in this meeting. I don’t even want to think about it, no, nor suspect it.
As Lula already said, the Kyoto Protocol can not be declared dead or extinguished, which is what the US pretends to do.
Which is why Evo tells a great truth: If Obama, Nobel War Prize, said here, by the way, it smells of sulfur here.
It smells of sulfur. It keeps smelling of sulfur in this world.
The Nobel War Prize has just said here that he came to act. Well, then show it, sir, don’t leave by the back door, eh?
Do everything you need to do for the US to adhere to the Kyoto Protocol, and let’s respect Kyoto, and empower Kyoto, and respond to the world in a transparent fashion.
The Gateway Pundit asks, how come the MSM missed Chavez calling Obama the Devil? News Busters is asking the same.Because the MSM certainly had no issue making it an issue in 2006 when Chavez called GWB the Devil.
In September 2006 when Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez called George W. Bush the Devil at the United Nations, the Bush-hating press couldn’t get enough of the comment.
Let this be a news flash to all of you who blamed GWB for being a cowboy. Enemies are the United States are just that … enemies of the United States. There is no talking with them or appeasing them. They are to be treated exactly for what they are. Being nice to them is nothing more than a sign of weakness.
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