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December 03, 2009

CA Senate Dem Boxer Thinks Whistle Blower Hackers Should Face Criminal Probe (E-mailgate), Not Those who Fabricated the Truth in Climategate

Posted in: Bizarre,Conspiracy,Corruption,Crime,Global Warming,Government,Internet,Main,Senate,WTF

An Inconvenient Whistle Blowing …

How far in the tank are Democrats with Global Warming … just take a look at what Barbara Boxer is saying. These people will stop at no end to cover up the fraud that is global warming. A responsible person, no matter what party affiliation would say, stop the presses, let’s take a look at this before we commit trillions of dollars.

Imagine this hypothetical situation … imagine if a hacker broke into some one’s computer and they found e-mails and material that uncovered a conspiracy in a terror attack the United States of America. Would Barbara Boxer think that the government should go after the hacker who exposed the conspiracy, or the terrorists? Hmm?

Ok, how about another. What if an Enron employee hacked into executive e-mails and exposed the conspiracy to commit fraud, cover up and deceive stock holders of illegal practices. Would Barbara Boxer think the employee should be charged with criminal prosecution or treated as a hero? Hmm? I am glad to see that The Confederate Yankee enjoys the same sense of bewilderment and sarcasm as we do here at SM.

According to Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), the Climategate scandal that exposed e-mails from CRU (Climategate) where global warming data was being manipulated, fabricated and a conspiracy to deceive that public with regards to global warming should not be investigated. Instead, she believes that the individuals who hacked the e-mails should be probed. As she stated, she would rather call it “E-mail-Theft-gate.” Yeah Boxer, that’s why scientists are stepping down in the wake of Climategate. So Boxer wants to prevent whistle blowers from coming forward in the future?

Leaked e-mails allegedly undermining climate change science should be treated as a criminal matter, Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said Wednesday afternoon.

Boxer, the top Democrat on the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said that the recently released e-mails, showing scientists allegedly overstating the case for climate change, should be treated as a crime.

“You call it ‘Climategate’; I call it ‘E-mail-theft-gate,’” she said during a committee meeting. “Whatever it is, the main issue is, Are we facing global warming or are we not? I’m looking at these e-mails, that, even though they were stolen, are now out in the public.”

Since when did the US government start investigating “whistle blowers” who exposed massive frauds? Hmm? Boxer claims that the hacking of e-mails is a crime. No Senator, what is a crime is that we have global warming agenda driven sycophants like yourself that would make a mockery of exposing the truth. The fact that e-mails exposed by a hacker show a potential multi-trillion dollar cover up, conspiracy and effort to mislead that could be one of the biggest science hoaxes is irrelevant to this Senator. The real enemy and criminal is the hacker.

Why is it that every time we turn around the Democrats are acting to irresponsible and foolish in their dealing with read adult issues that it appears to be a skit from SNL or Monty Python?

It is time for these frauds to all be thrown out of office and we have individuals in Congress that actually look out for the American people, not their ideological agendas. We the People deserve better.

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