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March 03, 2016

Liberal Bastion of Sports ESPN Addresing Baseball Analyst Curt Schilling’s Comments that Hillary Clinton Should be “Buried Under a Jail.”

Posted in: Crime,Democrat-Media Complex,Double Standard,Email-Gate,ESPN,Hillary Clinton,Liberal Intolerance,Liberals,Media,Media Bias,Progressives,Scandal,You Got Email-gate


It would appear that the Entertainment Sports Progressive Network has its panties in a wad again because one of their analysts dare say something derogatory about a liberal. This time they are reviewing former Boston Red Sox great Curt Schilling, that of the 2004 ALCS game 6 “bloody” sock fame, for his comments on Tuesday with 610 sports radio in Kansas City, MO where he said, Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should be “buried under a jail.”You can listen to his comments HERE.

The one thing Curt Schilling is, besides being one of the best big game MLB pitchers, is outspoken. Well Curt, I am not sure about  buried under a jail, but I am certain that she should be in a federal prison some where for her actions regarding State Department classified emails on her private server. One thing is for certain, if it were any of of us who did what Hillary Clinton did, we would have already been indicted, tried, found guilty and in prison. Look for the liberals at ESPN to reprimand or fire Schilling. I wonder if it wold be different for Kurt if he changed his name to Caitlyn?


ESPN baseball analyst Curt Schilling appeared to violate the network’s guidelines when he told a radio station that Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton should be “buried under a jail.”

ESPN said Wednesday, “We are addressing it” and would not go into further details.

Schilling, however, said jokingly at the end of the radio interview that he would “probably get fired.”

The former all-star pitcher made the controversial comments Tuesday with 610 sports radio in Kansas City, Missouri.

Schilling, who has been known for his outspoken political comments, was asked if Clinton should go to prison for accusations that she put classified State Department emails on a private server.

“I hope she does. If I’m going to believe, and I don’t have any reason not to believe, that she gave classified information on hundreds if not thousands of emails on a public server after what happened to General Petraeus, she should buried under a jail somewhere,” Schilling said.

Remember last year when Curt Schilling got in trouble with ESPN for comparing Muslim extremists to Nazis? That got him suspended. Really? So you mean radical Islam is not like the Nazi’s? REALLY?

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