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March 08, 2015

VICTORY FOR OLD GLORY … UC-Irvine Executive Cabinet VETOES Resolution Banning the American Flag from the Lobby of the Student Government Offices

Posted in: American Exceptionalism,College,Liberal Intolerance,Liberals,Patriotism,Progressives,State Legislatures,United States,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO


The University of California Irvine five member student executive cabinet has vetoed a resolution banning the American flag from the lobby of the student government offices. But this action on the part on UC-Irvine for anyone to even think of banning the American flag from anywhere on campus drew the attention of more than just the school. But this was just an example of a few liberal, America hating lunatics trying to overtake the process. From the reaction to their voting for the ban, it appeared that no one in the student body or the university administration for for this resolution.. In fact they were embarrassed.  Also, the State government in Sacramento, CA are looking to propose a Constitutional Amendment that prevents state universities from ever banning the American flag. How sad is it though, that we have so many ingrates in this country that such an Amendment would have to be contemplated.

Maybe the best comment in response to this attempted hijacking of the American flag by six radical was by one UCI student, “I think its fine that they want to keep it, I mean this school is in America and it is the American flag so I don’t see what the problem is”.

In vetoing the resolution, the ASUCI Executive Cabinet made the following statement:

We fundamentally disagree with the actions taken by ASUCI Legislative Council and their passage of R50-70 as counter to the ideals that allow us to operate as an autonomous student government organization with the freedoms of speech and expression associated with it. It is these very symbols that represent our constitutional rights that have allowed for our representative creation and our ability to openly debate all ranges of issues and pay tribute to how those liberties were attained.

As students in an academic institution we encourage all students on campus to participate in open debate about a wide array of issues and to actively engage in academic curiosity, which lies at the backbone of a preeminent academic research institution. It is this freedom to be able to navigate and explore topics on a wide range of issues that we see at risk if we begin to engage in a particular form of regulation of free speech and its expression through symbols in any space associated with our organization.

 Flag_UC Irvive

Click HERE or on PIC to watch the VIDEO via KTLA 5

Matthew Guevara and the 5 other America haters who voted in favor of R50-70 might want to rethink what it means to be an American and live in America. The ASUCI Legislative Council’s resolution, passed six to four on Tuesday, with two abstentions, a resolution calling for the removal of all flags, especially the American flag, noting that it “has been flown in instances of colonialism and imperialism.” The clueless 6 might want to read the above statement from the student executive cabinet that soundly excoriated their ridiculous resolution.

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