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November 11, 2013

41 Million People Could Lose Their Insurance Plans Even if You Like Them & Forced Into Other Plans Because of Obamacare … What About the Employer Mandate?

Posted in: Barack Obama,Campaigner in Chief,Chicago-Style Politics,Community Agitator,Cover-Up,Democrats,Divider in Chief,Epic Fail,Fraud,Government,Gutter Politics,Healthcare,Healthcare Canceled,Healthcare.gov,Liars,Liberals,Misleader,Misrepresentation,Nanny State - Big Government,Obamacare,Obamanation,Progressives,The Lying King,Transparency,You Can Keep Your Insurance


President Barack Obama repeated over and over again to sell Obamacare, that narrowly passed along a one-sided, partisan Democrat vote ,“If you like your private health insurance plan, you can keep your plan. Period!” NOT EVEN CLOSE AMERICA. Obama and Democrats find themselves in the middle of a political healthcare firestorm as millions of insureds, who like their insurance, are being canceled from their current plans because of Obamacare. President Obama was forced to take to the airwaves and provide a half-hearted, lame apology, even though he and Democrats knew this would happen. During his faux-apology Obama continued the lie of those who would lose insurance. He claimed only 5% of the population in the individual market would be affected. Like some 15 million is some thing to sneeze at. But that is just the tip of the iceberg. What about the employer mandate? According to McClatchy, between 34 million to 52 million individuals could lose their insurance.


Reid, Obama & Pelosi … the clowns that rammed Obamacare down America’s throats

Even as President Barack Obama sold a new health care law in part by assuring Americans they would be able to keep their insurance plans, his administration knew that tens of millions of people actually could lose those their policies.

“If you like your private health insurance plan, you can keep your plan. Period,” Obama said as he pitched the plan, the unqualified promise he made repeatedly.

Yet advisers did say in 2010 that there were large caveats and that anyone whose insurance plan changed would lose the promised protection of being able to keep existing plans. And a report in 2010 said that as many as 69 percent of certain employer-based insurance plans would lose that protection, meaning as many as 41 million people could lose their plans even if they wanted to keep them and would be forced into other plans. Another 11 million who bought their own insurance also could lose their plans. Combined, as many as 52 million Americans could lose or have lost old insurance plans.

The lies continue from Barack Obama. Ever wonder why Barack Obama and Democrats “illegally” changed the Obamacare law so that the “employer” mandate would be delayed until after the 2014 elections? It was all about politics. Do you really think they did not now what was going to happen and individuals would be forced unto Obamacare plans? The only way Obamacare can work is for this to occur.

Obama insisted anew Thursday that the problem is limited to people who buy their own insurance. “We’re talking about 5 percent of the population who are in what’s called the individual market. They’re out there buying health insurance on their own,” he told NBC.

But a closer examination finds that the number of people who have plans changing, or have already changed, could be between 34 million to 52 million. That’s because many employer-provided insurance plans also could change, not just individually purchased insurance plans.

Administration officials decline to say how many employer-sponsored plans could change. But those numbers could be between 23 million to 41 million, based on a McClatchy analysis of estimates offered by the Department of Health and Human Services in June 2010.

So DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, do you still want to run on Obamacare as a positive in 2014, Hmm?

UPDATE I: And then there is the even more dire report from The Daily Caller where health care economist Christopher Conover, a research scholar in the Center for Health Policy & Inequalities Research at Duke University and an adjunct scholar at the American Enterprise Institute, says that if Obamacare is fully implemented, 68% of Americans with private health insurance will not be able to keep their plan or 189 million people.

“Bottom line: of the 189 million Americans with private health insurance coverage, I estimate that if Obamacare is fully implemented, at least 129 million (68 percent) will not be able to keep their previous health care plan either because they already have lost or will lose that coverage by the end of 2014,” he said in an email. ”But of these, ‘only’ the 18 to 50 million will literally lose coverage, i.e., have their plans entirely taken away. This includes 9.2-15.4 million in the non-group market and 9-35 million in the employer-based market. The rest will retain their old plans but have to pay higher rates for Obamacare-mandated bells and whistles.”

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