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August 29, 2015

Iowa Poll: Hillary Clinton Leads Socialist Bernie Sanders in Iowa 37% to 30%

Posted in: 2016 Elections,Bernie Sanders (I-VT),Democrats,Hillary Clinton,Iowa,Liberals,Polls,Progressives,Scandal,Socialism


Doesn’t this speak volumes of the Democrat party. According to a new Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll, self-proclaimed socialist Bernie Sanders has narrowed the gap on Hillary Clinton in polling for the Democratic presidential nominee, 37% to 30%. The Vermont Senator now only trails Hillary by 7. How is this possible? Just how damaged a candidate is Hillary Clinton, or has the Democrat party finally jumped the shark and truly has become nothing more than a Socialist party? And of course what does it say about the Democrat party in general when we have an open election for the next president of the United States and all the Donkeys can provide as candidates is a liar, a socialist, two unknowns that no one cares about and crazy VP who has not declared whether he is in or out.


Liberal revolutionary Bernie Sanders, riding an updraft of insurgent passion in Iowa, has closed to within 7 points of Hillary Clinton in the Democratic presidential race.

She’s the first choice of 37 percent of likely Democratic caucusgoers; he’s the pick for 30 percent, according to a new Des Moines Register/Bloomberg Politics Iowa Poll.

But Clinton has lost a third of her supporters since May, a trajectory that if sustained puts her at risk of losing again in Iowa, the initial crucible in the presidential nominating contest.

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