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October 13, 2014

Liberal Comedian David Letterman Turns on Obama & Mocks His ISIS Strategy … “Now Have a Name for the War Against ISIS: Operation Hillary’s Problem”

Posted in: Barack Obama,Celebrity,Democrats,Epic Fail,Fun,Hillary Clinton,Humor,ISIS,Liberals,Progressives,War on Terror

Even uber-Lib comedian David Letterman is mocking President Barack Obama these days. With the Obama administration not providing a name to the war on ISIS, Letterman announced to his audience that it appears that Obama has finally come up with a name for the war on ISIS … “Operation Hilary’s Problem”.

On Friday night, liberal late night host David Letterman mocked President Obama over is handling of ISIS. The CBS comedian joked “the administration now has a name for the war against ISIS. Have you heard the name?”

The CBS host continued by pointing out how “every military operation has to have a name so people can get behind it and they now have a name for the war against ISIS: “Operation Hillary’s Problem.’”

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