Obama’s Spreading the Wealth Socialist Plan … To Pay for his Voters Gas and Mortgage
Posted in: Barack Obama,Bizarre,Energy,Government,mortgage,Politics,Presidential Election 2008,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO
In the end the Obama campaign is all about a hand out and a further dependency on the government.
Sharing your money is neither patriotic or neighborly, it is socialism. Every day in America people take the personal responsibility to donate to charities by choice, not government force. What does Obama have against the American Dream and Americans right of choice and prosperity?
This is hardly the American Dream that we grew up with, let alone our parents and grandparents. Nanny government is never what our Founding Fathers ever envisioned.
The American dream has always been to work hard, save your money, and you to can strive for excellence and be rewarded for your determination and effort. Who knew that in today’s America, according to Barack Obama and his followers, that your hard work and effort is not meant to benefit your family. In Obamunism your hard work, blood, sweat and tears is meant to pay for some one else’s gas and mortgage, not your own.
Welcome to the socialist world of entitlements where personal responsibility means nothing. Its about government forced charity and the buying of votes and an election.
One might ask the Obama supporter in the video and all that subscribe to Obumunism the following question. Why is it that Barack Obama cannot seem to personally help out his own family with his own wealth, yet Obama is perfectly comfortable taking, spending and sharing your wealth with others.
If Obama could not take care of his illegal alien aunt living in Boston, MA in public housing or his brother in Kenya in a mud hut slum, why do you think that he will take care of you?
Another must see video … how many people actually believe that if Obama becomes President of the United States actually believe that she will not have to pay for gas anymore or have to pay a mortgage. The Obamamessiah will pay for it all with a wave a of a wand and the sprinkling of some fairy dust.
Peggy Joseph … all my bills will be paid by the Obamamessiah and I will have no personal responsibility.
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