SICK, SICK, SICK: Bus Stop in Barcelona, Spain Has Ad for ‘Abuse-Free’ Child Pornography Removed … Why Was it There in the First Place?
Posted in: child abuse,Child Endangerment,child porn,Child Welfare,Crime,Ethics,Media,Spain,WTF
When is the world going to get serious about the exploitation of children? A bus stop in Barcelona, Spain had a poster advertizing pedophilia and child porn. The poster called for “abuse-free child pornography.” HUH? Oh yeah, abuse free child porn, like that actually exists. The ad actually called for adults to send naked pics of themselves when they were children. This is supposed to some how be an “abuse-free” for of child porn. There are some really twisted people out there. I am not quite sure which is worse, the sick and disgusting ad promoting pedophilia and child porn in this manner, or the fact that some advertizing firm actually accepted money and thought it was perfectly okay to published such material in public. Or was this some sick joke by an employee who thought this was funny? The ads were actually locked inside a glass display case, which indicated the only an individual with a key from the ad form could access the case. Thankfully, the ads have been removed and other bus stops have been inspected to ensure there were no other ads.
A poster appearing to promote pedophilia has been removed from a bus stop display near the famous Sagrada Familia cathedral in Barcelona, Spain, officials say.
JCDecaux, the advertising firm that maintains billboards at the bus stops, said the poster called for “abuse-free child pornography,” ThinkSpain reported Thursday.
The poster bore the word “Freedom” in large letters over the image of a semi-naked little girl. The text of the ad said, “Send us naked photos of when you were a child. For child pornography without abuse. +18 Yes to Pedophilia “ No to Abuse.”
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