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September 18, 2007

OVER-REACTION at The University of Florida, Gator Student Andrew Meyer Tasered & Arrested at John Kerry Forum

Posted in: Bizarre,Crime,Media,Politics,WTF

Over-reaction? Free speech? The University of FL is still a state run college, is it not?Florida_arrestbreak

Ok folks, now this is where you are supposed to complain about “free speech” rights being violated. A University of Florida student, Andrew Meyers, was tasered and arrested on Monday at a Q & A session held by the university for a John Kerry forum. Tasered? Rather amazing seeing that conservative speakers have been actually physically assaulted at college campuses and nothing like this was ever done. Seems that some at Columbia University should have been tasered as well.

Think this might be a bit of an over-reaction? UF, better get your attorneys at the ready, you are going to need them on this one.

Here is another video of the event. A moonbat none the less, this is an over-reaction.

Andrew Meyer, 21, asked Kerry why he did not contest the 2004 presidential election, which he lost to President Bush, and why there had been no moves to impeach Bush.

“He apparently asked several questions — he went on for quite awhile — then he was asked to stop,” university spokesman Steve Orlando said. “He had used his allotted time. His microphone was cut off then he became upset.”

While as many as four police officers tried to remove Meyer from the forum, he yelled for help and asked “What did I do?” Minutes after Meyer started speaking, he was Tasered.

Could anyone imagine what the news articles would have read like if this occurred at a George W. Bush, John McCain or Giuliani forum? There would have been one or two “storm trooper” references for sure.

Read More here:

  • Stop the ACLU, Geez! Sure the guy asked stupid questions to Kerry, but did it really have to go this far?
  • Ace: Don’t expect to see this make the news. Only Republicans are complicit in the Ill Winds Chilling Dissent.
  • Michelle Malkin: A University of Florida student/eyewitness shares what he saw

UF student Tasered at Kerry forum

UPDATE I: John Kerry Upset with Police reaction

  • The Raw Story: At the ABC’s Political Radar blog, Rick Klein reports that Kerry is condemning the arrest of 21-year-old University of Florida student Andrew Meyer.
  • The Jawa Report: Truther, HEEELLLLLP!
  • The Carpetbagger Report: For his part, Kerry was apparently trying to defuse the situation, trying to answer the student’s questions and asking everyone to stay calm. Today, the senator responded to the incident.
  • Michelle Malkin: UF president schedules 2pm press conference…plus: Andrew Meyer, professional taunter

UPDATE II: Two Florida University Police Officers On Leave after  Andrew Meyer Taser Incident at Kerry Forum

(CNN) — Two University of Florida police officers were placed on leave with pay after using an electronic stun gun to subdue a student who was questioning Sen. John Kerry at a campus forum, the school’s president said Tuesday.

But the student’s behavior and past activities are prompting questions about whether the incident was part of a stunt.

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