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September 09, 2012

Yikes, VP Joe Biden Cozies Up to Voters, Um, Get’s Lap Dance on the Campaign Trail in Seaman, OH … Caption Contest, Biden Perv Edition

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Facebook,Fun,Gaffe,Humor,Joseph Biden,Presidential Election,WTF

WOW, talk about a picture writing the story. This might have to be a caption contest, the heck with a post.

Here is a visual I am trying to get out of my mind, I am guessing that Obama’s VP Joe Biden was never told about boundaries and not getting in anothers space. Biden cozies up to voters at a campaign stop at Cruisers Diner on Sunday.Um, how inappropriate is this? I mean really, is he getting a lap dance or making promises to get votes? Check out the dude on the left, if looks could kill. As Right Scoop says, these guys will do anything for a vote. Anything but what is good for America, that is.


Carolyn Kaster / AP – Vice President Joe Biden talks to customers during a stop at Cruisers Diner, Sept. 9, in Seaman, Ohio

Have at it. What are the chances that the Secret Service would not step in if Biden got his A$$ kicked by these two bikers? Ok, Biden is officially the pervy uncle invited to the holiday dinner that no one wants to go near or has to sit next to. Can’t you picture Joe Biden have a G-8 summit and having world leaders sit in his lap? And this dude is a heart beat away from the Presidency. Let me just say, the Democrats and MSM had a lot of nerve questioning Sarah Palin’s ability to by VP in 2008.

A White House pool report says the bikers may be part of a group called the “Shaddowmen.” No details were available on their real names or what discussion led to the lap incident

They have a Caption contest going on over at the Jawa Report as well.

Some that come to mind to get things started …

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