Good News For GOP Presidential Hopeful Mitt Romney … Most Americans Do not Have Problem with Mormon Candidate
Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,CNN Opinion Research,Mitt Romney,Polls,Presidential Contenders,Presidential Election,Religion
Republican Presidential hopeful Mitt Romney, the former Governor of Massachusetts, received some good polling data. According to a CNN poll, Americans overwhelmingly say a presidential candidate being Mormon wouldn’t affect their vote. 80% of those polled stated that a candidate being a Mormon would not affect their vote.
The survey, which was taken after a controversial pastor said Mormonism was a “cult” and that GOP voters should support a “competent Christian,” also shows a majority of Americans believe Mormons are Christians.
Eighty percent of respondents in the survey said a candidate’s Mormonism wouldn’t make a difference in their selection process, while 17% said they would be less likely to vote for a candidate who was Mormon. Three percent said they would be more likely to select a Mormon candidate.
Most people are looking for a good and moral individual to be President. However, when those that would question a Mormon as President, would they rather prefer an individual indoctrinated in the church of Reverend Wright and his Black Liberation Theology Doctrine … God Damn America?
Think about it when voting in 2012.
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