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September 13, 2006

Aruba Tourism Issue Continue, AVP wants more investments in tourism … They should want to solve a crime.

Posted in: Aruba,boycott,Business,Economy,Natalee Holloway,Politics,Travel

AVP wants more investments in tourism  (Dutch version below). The only investment that willBlack_eye_man help Aruba’s “black eye” abroad is to personally invest into the truth of what happened to Natalee Holloway and to make sure cronyism never occurs again if harm comes to a tourist. Other than that, what difference does it make what Aruba spends to create a facade?

ORANJESTAD – we have been very disappointed concerning the way the Oduber cabinet minimizes the crisis situation in tourism. Tourism from the United States has decreased and last year approximately 100,000 less tourists came. Worrisome is that studies of Aruba Tourism show the Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA), that the image of Aruba is considerably damaged abroad. That is the opinion of Mike Eman, leader of AVP, after a three day debate concerning the state of the budget of the ministry of tourism and transport.


AVP wil meer investeringen in toerisme
Abonnee Artikel
ORANJESTAD — “We zijn zeer teleurgesteld over de manier waarop kabinet Oduber de crisissituatie in het toerisme bagatelliseert. Het toerisme uit de Verenigde Staten is afgenomen en in het afgelopen jaar kwamen er circa 100.000 toeristen minder. Zorgwekkend is dat studies van Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA) laten zien dat het imago van Aruba in het buitenland behoorlijk aangetast is.” Dat is de mening van Mike Eman, fractieleider van AVP, na het drie dagen durende debat in de Staten over de begroting van het ministerie van Toerisme en Transport.
11 Sep, 2006, 17:22 (GMT -04:00)

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