Scott Brown Victory in Massachusetts and Democrat Party willing to Destroy itself for Obamacare
Posted in: 2010 Elections,Barack Obama,Government,Harry Reid (D-NV),Healthcare,Moonbats,Nancy Pelosi,Obamacare,Obamanation,Politics,Senate Elections,Socialism
After Republican Scott Brown’s stunning victory in last nights special Senate election in Massachusetts and a complete repudiation of Obama’s health care reform, Democrats and Nancy Pelosi are still willing to destroy their party for Obamacare.
One needs to ask the question, why? The liberal wing of the Democrat party are acting like suicide bombers on a one way political death mission. After just witnessing a Republican win the former Senate seat of the late Ted Kennedy, one would think that Dems would pull back on the reins and rethink the health care debacle.
The answer would be no as Nanacy Pelosi as meeting with other democratic leaders late at night in a closed session in her office.
Someone didn’t get the message…
Nancy Pelosi told reporters last night that depite Scott Brown’s huge win in Massachusetts that she would move forward with her plan to ram Obamacare through Congress. Pelosi was meeting with other democratic leaders late at night in a closed session in her office.
As Indiana moderate Senator Evan Bayh warns of a catastrophe for the Democrat party if they do not learn a lesson from The Bay State Backlash, Speaker Pelosi adds more steam and heads directly into the iceberg.
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