Senator Dianne Feinstein (D.-Calif.) Says its Morally Correct to Use Tax Payer $’s to Kill the Unborn
Posted in: Bizarre,Deceased,Government,Moonbats,Politics,Senate,Tax & Spend Liberals,We the People,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO
It’s Morally correct to kill the unborn … what a comment to make during the Christmas season.
These are the same people that scream from the rafters that every time a conservative SCOTUS justice us nominated that Roe v. Wade will be over turned. However, they certainly have no problem over turning the fact that abortions will be paid by tax payers now do they?
Don’t ever let Democrats tell you that they are against the killing of the unborn. Following the 54-45 vote earlier this week where the Democrat controlled Senate rejected Sen. Ben Nelson’s amendment that would have prohibited tax dollars from going to insurance plans that cover abortion.
Democrat California Senator said in defense of the vote to provide tax payer dollars to kill the unborn that, “It’s ‘Morally Correct’ to Force Taxpayers to Fund Abortion”. MORALLY CORRECT? Senator Feinstein, you might want to go find a dictionary or a Pastor and get a new definition of the word moral. Now Democrats want to force pro-live individuals to use their money to fund the killing of the unborn. Because according to a liberal, Left coast elitist, it is morally correct. But when a party compares abortion to Viagra, what would one expect. Good grief.
What ever happened to the rights of the unborn? Hmm?
Feinstein said: “Is it morally correct? Yes, I believe it is. Abortion is legal, and there (are) certain very tragic circumstances that a woman finds herself in. Married, with an unborn baby that’s unable to survive outside of the womb, her doctor tells her it’s a threat to her health. I think she ought to have a policy available to her.” asked: “So it’s morally right for pro-life taxpayers to have to help pay for plans that cover abortion?”
Feinstein responded: “Please. We pay for a lot of things that we may or may not agree with, and taxpayers pay for it, for those things, as well.”
WHAT???!!!??? Because, “We pay for a lot of things that we may or may not agree with, and taxpayers pay for it, for those things, as well.” HUH? Who elected these ignorant and dangerous people? WIZBANG’s outrage to Feinstein’s comments might state it best:
Forced sterilization, incarceration and killing of homosexuals, euthanasia of retarded, mentally ill, and deformed people, were all “legal” in Germany at one time.
Slavery was “legal” in the U.S. It was “legal” for FDR to inter Japanese Americans during WWII.
The governmental structures under which these conditions were allowed to exist were all funded by taxpayers.
The overwhelming majority of taxpayer funded issues do not have an intrinsically moral stigma attached to them as does abortion.
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