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November 08, 2016

ELECTION DAY 2016 … With Many Polls & Pundits Saying Otherwise … Trump Does have a Plausible Path to 270 and Victory or What If a Tie?

Posted in: 2016 Elections,Donald Trump,Donald Trump,Donald Trump - Mike Pence 2016,Hillary Clinton,Polls,Real Clear Politics


Even though many of the poll as seen at RCP have Hillary Clinton ahead in the national polls. The averaging of polls have Clinton ahead by 3.2%. However, national polls mean little to nothing, its about the states and enthusiasm.  Donald Trump does have a pathway to victory and its not that far-fetched. I am not going to lie, will it be easy, no. Is he the underdog right now, the answer is yes and maybe. Many polls are within the margin of error, which means they could go either way. One thing is for certain in a political season where there have been no certainties … no political pundits have been correct on Trump yet, why should they be now?

Here is the current RCP Map of the electoral college of states between Clinton and Trump with 203 for Clinton/Kaine, Toss Ups 171 and Trump/Pence with 164. 270 is the magical number. The toss up states are as follows”: Florida (29), Ohio (18), Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), New Hampshire (4), Maine CD2 (1), Maine (2), North Carolina (15), Virginia (13), Georgia (16), Colorado (9), Nevada (6), New Mexico (5), Arizona (11) and Iowa (6).

RCP 110716 electoral college map

Now check this out and see if this is not a plausible possibility of what could happen today? According to may of the average of polls, this is highly possible. If this happens, the race is 269 – 269, a tie!!! It is possible the election could be a tie and its not that far out of the realm of possibility.

We will put the following states in the Trump camp: Florida (29), Ohio (18), New Hampshire (4), North Carolina (15),  Georgia (16), Nevada (6), Arizona (11) and Iowa (6).

The following states go to Clinton: Michigan (16), Pennsylvania (20), Colorado (9), Maine CD2 (1), Maine (2), New Mexico (5), Virginia (13),

RCP my map

What happens if it is a tie, what is the Tiebreaker? In the event that neither candidate gets the majority of the vote, the House of Representatives would decide the president, Congress is still bound by the electoral vote.

According to Article II, Section 1, Clause 3 of the U.S. Constitution, “[t]he Person having the greatest Number of Votes shall be the President, if such Number be a Majority of the whole Number of Electors appointed; and if there be more than one who have such Majority, and have an equal Number of Votes, then the House of Representatives shall immediately chose by Ballot one of them for President; and if no Person have a Majority, then from the five highest on the List the said House shall in like Manner chose the President.”

So basically this means the following, if Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton and Republican candidate Donald Trump each have 269 electoral votes, then the current House of Representatives must choose one of them. Because Republicans hold a majority in “current” Congress, Donald Trump would very likely be chosen. If neither candidate gets a majority of votes, then third-party candidates come into play, if they can earn electoral votes. The 12th Amendment subsequently limited Congress to choosing among the top three candidates.

But if we move the map by just one state race where in Maine CD2 (1) swings to Donald Trump, he wins 270 to 268. The point that I am trying to make is, its possible. Is there a pathway to victory for Trump, of course there is. Is there would for Hillary, yes there is as well and it is much easier. In a year in which the Chicago Cubs finally won a World Series and ended a 108-year wait, anything is possible. We will know early on as to how the races are going in New Hampshire, Maine, Georgia and Pennsylvania as to what the election day trend is, will America put up with another 4 years of Obama and a corrupt candidate like Hillary Clinton, or will Donald Trump shock the world?

Electoral college map - trump

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