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June 15, 2009

Liberal Main Stream Media Bias Compares Bush to Ahmadinejad … CBS: “Meet Iran’s George W. Bush”

Posted in: Bizarre,Government,Hypocrisy,Media,Media Bias,Middle East,Moonbats,Politics,War on Terror,World,WTF

CBS should be ashamed of them self. Talk about your way over the top, liberal hate.  CBS has compared Iran’s Holocaust denier, womens rights abuser, America-hating radical Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to George W. Bush … Meet Iran’s George W. Bush. Unreal. No wonder no one can take the MSM serious any more.


H/T: Gateway Pundit

From an article by The New Republic, “Meet Iran’s George W. Bush” they would actually compare Iran’s President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to former President GWB. These people just do not stop with their hatred. If anything, people in America should be proud of their elections, even though they are not perfect, after watching what has occurred in Iran over the weekend. How lame, juvenile and armature must one’s research and mind be to actually compare a Jew-hating, genocidal nut job in  Ahmadinejad to GWB? Really. Grow up and get some form of journalistic integrity.


The Leftist venom that was spewed during the 2000 and 2004 elections in making accusations against GWB can be used against Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Grow up Libs and call hate for what it really is. People like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Kim Jong-Il and Hugo Chavez are evil people and enemies of the US, not GWB, Dick Cheney or the Republican party. However, sadly these days the LEFT cannot tell the difference.

It was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who had protesters arrested. It was Mahmoud Ahmadinejad who silenced the media and cracked down of the information out of Iran regarding the elections.

As stated by the Gateway Pundit, CBS seems to have forgotten in their story the fact that Bush liberated over 50,000,000 Muslims from two of the most violent regimes in history and bringing democracy to the Middle East.

News Busters asks the question … “Will Bush Derangement Syndrome ever end?” It looks like the answer is no. Even after their Obamamessiah being elected, the LEFT is still inflicted with BDS.

Speaking of the Obamamessiah, why hasn’t he spoken out in favor of the Iranian reformers? Is it not supposed to be about change?

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