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June 08, 2013

Nearly 60% of Americans Believe High Ranking IRS Officials in Washington, DC & 50% of Obama Officials Were Aware of IRS Scandal … Also, Obama Administration Least Ethical Compared to GWB, Clinton, GHWB and Reagan

Posted in: Abuse of Power,Barack Obama,Chicago-Style Politics,collusion,Community Agitator,Conspiracy,Corruption,Cover-Up,Democrats,Drunk on Power,Epic Fail,Ethics,Gallup,Government,IRS,IRS-gate,Obamanation,Politics,Politics of Fear,Polls,Scandal,Smear Campaign,The Dodger in Chief,The Lying King,Transparency

Barack Obama, losing the trust of the American People … Chicago-style politics catching up with Obama.

Barack Obama and his minions get poor grades in their handling of the IRS scandal and Americans believe that the IRS scandal was not limited to the Cincinnati office, but went straight to Washington, DC IRS headquarters and the White House.

The IRS scandal is really getting away from the Obama administration as they are losing the credibility battle with the American public. According to the most recent Gallup poll, 59% of Americans believe that high ranking officials in Washington, DC were aware of the IRS scandal that targeted conservative and Tea Party groups from gaining non-profit status. The spin that the scandal was just some rogue agents in Cincinnati has all but fallen apart. However, more damning for Barack Obama is that 50% of Americans now believe that high ranking Obama officials were aware of the IRS scandal, 72% of Republicans and 54% of Independents. This scandal is getting closer and closer to the Oval Office every day.


President Barack Obama is getting crushed on how Americans believe he is handling the IRS scandal. According to Gallup, a mere 32% approve on how he is handling it, while 58% disapprove.  Even more damning for Obama and Democrats is that only 26% of Independents approve of Obama’s handling of the IRS matter, while a resounding 62% disapprove. Wait, it gets even worse for Obama. From what was claimed to be the most ethical and transparent administration ever comes the Gallup polling gives  Barack Obama poor ethics rating and whose ethics are less that that of former presidents George W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush and Ronald Reagan. With the multiple scandals continuing to snowball on Obama and we have not even including the NSA spying scandal on We the People … look for polling numbers to get worse and worse for Obama.


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