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October 16, 2012

Dick Morris Says its Time to Focus in on Next Level of Battleground States … Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Even New Jersey Is in Play

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,Battle Ground States - Swing States,Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012,Obamanation,Pennsylvania,Polls,Presidential Election,Quinnipiac University,Wisconsin

Last night on Fox News with Sean Hannity, Dick Morris told Hannity that it was time for the Romney campaign to target states like Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania and even New Jersey are in play this year. Morris stated, “Minnesota is within if four points… And maybe even New Jersey.”

Video Hat Tip: The Gateway Pundit

Minnesota, Pennsylvania and even New Jersey in play? Could this be true or just wishful bolstering on the party of Dick Morris?

Before anyone laughs of Morris’ claims, check out the latest
Quinnipiac University poll that shows that Romney has erased a 12 point Obama lead and only trails by 4 points, 50% to 46%. What gives Romney pause for success in the Keystone state? As referenced by Jammie Wearing Fool, the poll sampling is +8D.

In today’s survey, men back Romney 54 – 43 percent, compared to a 49 – 48 percent split September 26. Women back Obama 57 – 39 percent, little changed from last month. White voters back Romney 53 – 43 percent while black voters back Obama 97 – 1 percent. White Catholic voters go Republican 56 – 43 percent. Voters with college degrees back the president 54 – 43 percent while voters without degrees are divided with 49 percent for Obama and 47 percent for Romney.

Only 7 percent of Pennsylvania likely voters say they might change their mind in the next 21 days.

“Gov. Mitt Romney is coming on strong in the Keystone State, especially among white Catholics,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute.

In Wisconsin, Obama only has a 2.3% lead over Romney in the RCP average polling.  If Romney is polling well in this next level of so-called swing states, imagine how well he is doing in the battleground states? And, although I do not believ that NJ is in play; however, if Romney ever won the Garden state, we would be looking at a Reagan/Carter-lik landslide.

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