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January 23, 2011

The Moonbat LEFT Losing Their Collective Minds Over the Loss of MSNBC’s Keith Olbermann

Posted in: Bizarre,Keith Olbermann,Keith Olbermann,Media,Media Bias,Moonbats,MSNBC,Progressives


The loony LEFT is not taking the demise of Keith Olbermann well. It has been just been a couple of  days since Olbermann said farewell from MSNBC and the LEFT is still reeling with over the top, histrionic crazy talk. Moonbattery has some more tweets that will make you shake your head with the LEFT’s silliness.

What is most interesting about the “hue and cry” throughout moonbatland is the fact that so many feel that Keith Olbermann’s speech has been silenced as if he could never get another gig. Or cant he? If Olbermann is such a hero of the LEFT, I am sure some liberal media outlet would hire him on his merits. There are certainly enough liberal MSM outlets in the industry, if he adds any thing to the conversation.

Ultimately what does the LEFT have to say that their hero left MSNBC because of the $’s, not because of some noble progressive cause?

What is lost in all the over the top histrionics of the LEFT claiming to have lost their “progressive” voice and the squelching of free speech is that Keith Olbermann left MSNBC because he wanted more money. Simply speaking, Olbermann wanted more money, MSNBC disagreed and Keith Olbermann departed. As we learned, this was not a knee jerk reaction as seen by the last minute farewell from Olbermann, but weeks in the making of a contract negotiation. What will the LEFTthink that their hero was about money, not about the progressive cause? Yet in the end, Olbermann hardly has the ratings to play a game of chicken with management brass.

The Gateway Pundit has many other notable Olbermann quotes that made Olbie a hero among the loons on the LEFT.

Even more at the Daily Caller of the LEFT some how pretending that Olbermann fell on his sword for some honorable reason. Hey LEFT, he said goodbye because he did not get money, not because his free speech was being squelched.

Fear not, There might be a future for Keith Olbermann after all at Fox News … courtesy of the Free Republic.

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