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July 16, 2009

Are You Kidding … America, You Think this is the CHANGE Needed for Healthcare?

Posted in: Barack Obama,Crime,Government,Healthcare,Main,Obamanation,Politics,Socialism


Ask yourself this question, when has the government ever made anything easier or more simple? One need to only look at the endless pages of tax code to honestly answer that question. Question two, when has the government ever acted in a timely and expedient manner? One only need to look at how long it has taken TARP money to be allocated. And if you want a Republican example, it took how long to get supplies to New Orleans after Katrina?

Check out this chart … is this want your healthcare to look like? Imagine a life and death decision that needs to be made for you or your loved one and it gets caught up in this bureaucratic nightmare.

Make no mistake out it, the Wrong health reform will hurt economy.  Why would anyone think that Obama would not ration healthcare? What else could he do? If anyone presently is insured, you can be guaranteed the government universal healthcare plan will offer less services.


Click on chart for larger view

Republican Chart Outlines House Democrats’ Government Takeover of Health Care


“This chart depicts the health care nightmare that House Democrats have planned for families and small businesses.  This isn’t reform; it’s a recipe for disaster that will lead to higher health care costs, lower quality, rationed care, and bureaucrats making medical decisions instead of doctors and patients.  Families shouldn’t have to answer to shadowy Washington bureaucrats when they’re seeking health care treatments for themselves and their loved ones.

 Ask yourself this question, how is anyone going to pay for this?

Now ask yourself one final question … about 2% – 3% of the population are actually affected by having no healthcare when one factors in choice and illegals. What sane person destroys the present healthcare model for this small amount? Wouldn’t it make more sense to just handle their problem instead of tearing down the entire house and building a socialist one?

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