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December 21, 2016

Lunatic Leftist Moonbat Keith Olbermann Says, We Can Still Delegitimize Trump By Not Calling Him “President Trump” (VIDEO)

Posted in: Democrats,Double Standard,Keith Olbermann,Keith Olbermann,Liberal Intolerance,Liberals,Media Bias,Moonbats,Progressives,Progressives,Radicals,Socialist,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO


The below video is just further proof that the LEFT has completely and totally lost their mind. And also, how the mighty in their mind’s has fallen. Keith Olbermann stayed up all night and came up with the following idea, “We can still delegitimize Trump by not calling him “President Trump”. Wow Keith, you are brilliant. Olbermann and his ilk are a perfect example of if you do not first succeed, cry, cry again.

The LEFT just does not get it. Keep calling those who voted or supported Trump as stupid and cretins. Go ahead, I dare you. Keep dismissing the vast number of Americans who don’t live in New York City and California. Your idea of resistance is foolish. Resistance actually means not slapping you upside your liberal, arrogant, elitist head. That is what resistance means Keith. Oh, by the way, nice cardboard set you have in your video, are you serious?

Let the moonbats keep yapping. Freedom of speech is a great thing. It shows, as in the case of a loon like Olbermann, that the people got it right in electing Trump rather than anyone that would support the likes of Clinton.

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