Bill Clinton Trashes Obamacare At Event, Calls It “Crazy System” … “Doesn’t Work,” “Doesn’t Make Any Sense” … “Killing Small Business People”
Posted in: Bill Clinton,Bill Clinton,Former Presidents,Healthcare,Healthcare Canceled,Insurance Canceled,Obamacare,Obamanomics,Obamascare,Obamatax,Single Payer Health Care,Socialized Medicine,You Can Keep Your Insurance
Former President Bill Clinton finally tells the truth about Obamacare at event and trashes it calling it a “crazy system” that “doesn’t work,” and “doesn’t make any sense” and is “killing the small business people”. OUCH. Yes, that came from Bill Clinton’s, Hillary’s husband, not the vast right wing conspiracy. So is he saying this to get us to a single payer healthcare system? Because Bubba Clinton is saying even Obamacare doesn’t work. Even though we have been telling you from the outset it was never intended to work. Michelle Malkin opines, did Bill Clinton just give another reason, a a very good one, to vote against his wife.
Former President Bill Clinton attacked President Barack Obama’s signature health care legislation Monday, calling it a “crazy system” that “doesn’t make any sense” during a Michigan campaign event for Hillary.
“It doesn’t many any sense. The insurance model doesn’t work here,” Clinton said about the government-run marketplaces Obamacare set up. Clinton said that Obamacare “works fine” for people with “modest” incomes or who are eligible for government subsidies, or Medicare. But he added that, “the people that are getting killed in this deal are small business people and individuals who make just a little too much to get any of these subsidies.”
Bill Clinton: ObamaCare Insurance Model “Doesn’t Work,” “Doesn’t Make Any Sense”
Bill Clinton: ObamaCare Is Killing Small Business People
Bill Clinton: Obamacare “Crazy System,” People End Up W/ “Premiums Doubled And Coverage Cut In Half”
So why did Obama and the Democrats change the healthcare to system to Obamacare?
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