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September 18, 2016

MOJO: Top 10 Reasons Why a Hillary Clinton Presidency Isn’t Guaranteed (VIDEO)

Posted in: Benghazi-Gate,Clinton Foundation,collusion,Corruption,Cover-Up,cronyism,Establishment candidates,Ethics,Hillary Clinton,Liars,Partisan hack,Politics,Quid Pro Quo,Scandal,You Got Email-gate,You Tube - VIDEO

Hmm, Watch Mojo actually has one of their Top 10′s for Hillary not guaranteed the presidency.

This was created prior to the Democrat and Republican nominees were picked. However, what isn’t included in this was all the lies and obvious crimes Hillary has been caught in with regards to the use of her private emails and the use of a private email server. Which makes her even more unelectable.

MOJO needs to update their VIDEO with the following:

  1. The fact that Hillary cannot stay upright and has an obvious neurological issue.
  2. She can’t seem to tell the truth.
  3. Private email and private server scandal while Secretary of State.
  4. Secretary of State and Clinton Foundation conflict of interest.
  5. Deplorable’s comment

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