Andy Rooney: Old Angry, Crotchety Liberal Just Can’t Honor America on Memorial Day
Posted in: Main,War on Terror,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO
How absolutely, pathetically typical. Sadly, the following is a few too many minutes with Andy Rooney.
Okay, let’s just call Andy Rooney for what he is … a fool and an idiot. It is a sad and bitter man who uses Memorial Day for his political liberal agenda on war. Hey Andy, let’s all just sing Kumbaya and see if that protects liberty, freedom and lives. The fact that you cannot just say thank you is astounding. The fact that a miserable, old liberal can’t see the good in the fact that millions of people have been liberated from tyranny in the course of a war is so typical.
Andy Rooney would have you believe that the United States of America goes to war just for the hell of it. That we have not liberated so many through the sacrifice of so many.
As the Gateway Pundit perfectly stated, “It’s just a shame this bitter man had to use the Memorial Day holiday to spread his sick propaganda.”
Is it any wonder that most military veterans also happen to be Republicans?
Scott Martin at The Examiner has a great analysis of Andy Rooney and his misguided liberal view on war.
A more dangerous perspective would be difficult to contemplate. War is our least noble activity? The reality is that American wars have historically been America at its noblest. We have fought for our freedom, we have fought for the freedom of others who were too weak or too afraid to fight for their own. We have fought hot wars against the evils of Hitler. We fought and won a cold war against the communist Soviet Union. Until recently, we warred against the evils of terrorism. Rooney’s words opposed our heroic actions at every turn.
Even though Andy Rooney cannot say thank you … we will say it for him. Thank you to all that have sacrificed their lives and their futures for ours.
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