First Time Since 1995 More American’s Pro-Life than Pro-Abortion (Oh sorry Pro-Choice) Says Gallup
Posted in: Barack Obama,Child Welfare,Healthcare,Politics,Polls,Presidential Election 2008,We the People
Can you sense the silent majority and the change they really want?
For the first time since the Gallup Poll has been asking the question in 1995, a majority of Americans call them self “pro-life” on the issue of abortion rather than “pro-choice.” The Gallup poll found that 51% of American consider them self “pro-life” while 42% are pro-abortion.
The new results, obtained from Gallup’s annual Values and Beliefs survey, represent a significant shift from a year ago, when 50% were pro-choice and 44% pro-life. Prior to now, the highest percentage identifying as pro-life was 46%, in both August 2001 and May 2002.
The Gallup poll shows an even greater number of Americans “pro-life” than a FOX News polls this month showing 49 percent of Americans as pro-life and 43 percent as pro-choice on abortion.
- He also signed legislation to use taxpayer money to kill embryos in research.
- Democrats are pushing legislation that will force healthcare providers to perform abortions even if it violates their moral or religious convictions.
- Barack Obama even voted 4 times to support infanticide during his political career.
Right Wing News is dead on in their analysis of this shift of ideology and represents a tipping point in America. The shift is not a knee-jerk reaction to a single event, but in fact a slow and methodical 18 point swing to “pro-life” from a nation in 2005 that found itself 56%–33% pro-choice.
This pro-life revelation brings up a point that many made and liberals tried to capitalize on following the Obama-McCain Presidential election. People said that Republicans lost because they were out of touch with America. Oh contraire mon frere, Republicans lost because they forgot what it meant to be a Republican and ran as Democrat-lite. This is exactly the same point that they are making at American Power and the fact that Obama risks alienating many voters by his far-left abortion position. One America gets over their Jimmy Carter/Barack Obama social experiment and realize what they have done … 2010 and 2012 they will be ready for more CHANGE.
The following is an interesting perspective from Marjorie Dannenfelser, president of Susan B. Anthony List, as reported at Town Hall. Americans over time have finally understood what choice really means.
This is the “pro-choice” wording that was market tested by the pro-abortion movement. They put a lot of money into finding the right phrase, and they came up with a fabulous phrase. And it worked for them. But its taken a while for folks to figure out what pro-choice really means. We’re not talking about vanilla and chocolate.
UPDATE I: No wonder there is an expected 20,000 protesters supposed to show there disgust at the radical, pro-abaortion Obama receiving a n Honorary degree at ND
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