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October 14, 2015

Democrat Party Presidential Debate Held in Las Vegas, NV … Really, Is This the Best the Democrats Have to Offer?

Posted in: 2016 Elections,Bernie Sanders (I-VT),Democrats,Hillary Clinton,Liberals,Primaries,Progressives,Socialism


The Democrat Party Presidential debate was held in Las Vegas, NV last night moderated by CNN’s Anderson Cooper. Honestly, it was literally unwatchable. Forget the fact that CNN was in the tank for these Democrat candidates, forget the fact that the socialist and only person within striking distance gave Hillary Clinton a pass on her email/server scandal, forget the fact that all of these Libs would bankrupt an already in debt America with their free-give away plans … Have you really taken a look at these candidates?



Seriously, as I watched the debate last night and looked over the stage of Democrat presidential primary candidates all I could think of was … THAT’S IT? This is the best and the brightest that the Donkey party has to offer America? Lincoln Chafee and O’Malley have no business even being on the stage. At times I think Chafee had no idea if he was in Las Vegas or Providence, RI. Jim Webb looked like he was in a time warp and should have been in a 1950′s debate as his message and military career is completely lost on today’s far Left of center Democrat party. Then there is the 73 year old Socialist Bernie Sanders who comes off as just a lunatic. Really, a major political party has a socialist running for president? Finally, we have the scandal plagued Hillary Clinton. Folks, if Hillary Clinton can not defeat these grade D politicians, she is then completely useless. This is the equivalent of an NFL team playing a high-school team and the announcers actually trying to make you believe the match will actually be a close game.

To make things even more pathetic, all we hear is that crazy uncle Joe Biden is the savior for the Democrats. Imagine Biden with all his gaffes being your secret weapon. Note to Democrats and the MSM, after watching that display last night, you can no longer make fun of Donald Trump and the GOP candidates.

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