Democrats Running Ads Criticizing Obamacare … Joe Garcia Running in Florida’s 26th District Hardly Praising O-Care
Posted in: 2014 Elections,Barack Obama,Community Agitator,Democrats,Epic Fail,Healthcare,Healthcare Canceled,,Insurance Canceled,Liberals,Misleader,Obamacare,Political Ads,Politics,Progressives,The Lying King,You Tube - VIDEO
From NRO, Democrats are forced to run political ads that criticize Obamacare.
Nancy Pelosi said that Democrats would proudly run on Obamacare, not away from it in the 2014 midterm elections. Um, the Democrat political ad below is hardly a ringing endorsement of President Obama’s signature piece of legislation. Democrats feel the need to have to discuss Obamacare and continually bring up the fact that it is a disaster. This is hardly the word choice and lasting impression that you want to leave with voters. An already angry electorate who has lost their insurance because of Obamacare, lost their doctors and had their premiums increased. If this is how Dems are going to have to contort themselves in 2014, they are in some serious trouble.
Now, it is true that Garcia doesn’t call for repeal. Indeed, the ad boasts that the candidate is “working to fix” the law, and it praises him both for holding “insurance companies accountable” and for defending the provision that prevents insurance companies from denying coverage to those with pre-existing conditions. But it is fascinating to watch a Political Action Committee associated with Nancy “we’re going to run on Obamacare” Pelosi slamming the White House for “the disastrous healthcare website” and boasting — without any time qualification, it should be said — that its man “voted to let you keep your existing health plan.”
But, in Florida’s 26th district — as in much of the country one presumes — the choice in 2014 is going to be between a candidate who is criticizing Obamacare and a candidate who wants to get rid of it completely. Democrats are being forced to have a conversation they’d rather not have. Bottom line: The issue isn’t dead — far from it.
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