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August 10, 2013

New Ad from Crossroads GPS Exposes the Lies, Exaggerations and Flaws of Obamacare … Democrats and Obama LIED!!!

Posted in: Barack Obama,Divider in Chief,Epic Fail,Healthcare,HHS,Misrepresentation,Nanny State - Big Government,Obamacare,Obamanation,Super PAC ads,The Dodger in Chief,The Lying King,Transparency,Wasteful Spending,Welfare State,You Tube - VIDEO

Crossroads GPS has a new video to help educate Americans as to the mis-truths, false promises and out right lies of Obamacare. Nancy Pelsoi had stated that we have to pass the bill in order to find out what was in it. Boy, she wasn’t kidding. Just some food for thought. If anyone politician ever males such a comment like that again about any bill, it should be voted down immediately.

Barack Obama promised it would slow the cost of healthcare costs, lower premiums and if you like your health care plan, you could keep your health care plan, and  Obamacare wont impose a single new burden on small businesses. ALL LIES!!! As Obama and HHS Sec. Sebelius try to get athletes and actors to con you into the benefits of Obamacare and to sign up for it, just take a look for yourselves and see the lies for yourself.

Watch our new video below and contact your representative at (202) 224-3121 to tell them that it’s time to dismantle Obamacare and enact patient centered reforms.

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