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January 05, 2008

Search Continues for Missing Hiker Meredith Emerson in North Georgia

Posted in: Crime,Deceased,Missing Persons,Murder

24 year old Meredith Emerson went missing on New Year’s Day when she went hiking in Vogel State Park in Georgia with her black Labrador retriever, Ella. Since then, a water bottle and dog collar belonging to the missing hiker has been found. Meredith’s dog Ella has been located and a person of interest, Gary Michael Hilton has been located and questioned.

Meredith Emerson

However, still no sign of Meredith Emerson as the search continues.

UPDATE I: Gary Michael Hilton Charged with Kidnapping

UPDATE II: The Body of Missing Meredith Emerson Found Deceased

For more information and updates, go to MissingExploited.com.

To discuss the case of missing Meredith Emerson, go to Scared Monkeys Forum, Missing: Meredith Emerson.

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