Former Independent Presidential Candidate H. Ross Perot Endorses Mitt Romney … “the nation can’t afford four more years of President Obama”
Posted in: 2012 Elections,Are You Better Off Today Than You Were 4 Years Ago,Barack Obama,Budget Deficits,Economy,Epic Fail,Jobs,Mitt Romney - Paul Ryan 2012,National Debt,Obamanation,Obamanomics,Presidential Contenders,Presidential Election,Unemployment
Former Independent Presidential candidate of the Reform Party, H. Ross Perot has thrown his support behind and has endorses Mitt Romney for president. Perot stated in his support for Romney, the United States is on an unsustainable path and “the nation cannot afford four more years of of President Obama.” This is an interesting endorsement. Probably the most prominent “Independent” ever to run for President. In 1992 Presidential election Perot received nearly 19% of the vote. Could this endorsement swing the needle for Independents?
Decrying a “stagnant” economy, Perot writes:
“Economic growth is insufficient to create enough jobs for a country whose population is growing. The result is unemployment stuck over 8 percent for every single month of Barack Obama’s presidency.
We have 23 million Americans who are looking for work and either can’t find a full-time job, can’t find a job at all, or who have given up looking. That is wrong. It’s not the way America ought to be.
At the same time, and not unrelated, is the extraordinary explosion of federal deficits and federal debt. In the last four years during Obama’s presidency, he’s added around $5 trillion to our national debt, more than any previous president.
This was accomplished by successive federal budgets that each ran deficits exceeding $1 trillion a year. It is this massive deficit spending that threatens to undermine our future standard of living. To pay for our government’s massive debts, Washington’s profligacy, our children and grandchildren will be paying interest and principal on the nation’s debt for untold years into the future. That is wrong. It’s not the way America ought to be.”
From The Weekly Standard comes an email sent by Perot to the Romney campaign:
“Our country faces a serious choice,” Perot says in a statement emailed out by the Romney campaign. “The fact of the matter is that the United States is on unsustainable course. At stake is nothing less than our position in the world, our standard of living at home, and our constitutional freedoms. That is why I am endorsing Mitt Romney in his quest for the presidency.
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