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September 24, 2012

President Barack Obama Campaign Quietly Pulls Faux Flag from Shop Obama … You Mean We Can’t Pleadge Allegiance to Obama Anymore?

Posted in: 2012 Elections,Barack Obama,Campaigner in Chief,Community Agitator,Epic Fail,Libyan Consulate - Amb. Stevens,Lost in Smallness,Obama in Wonderland,Obamanation,Politics,Presidential Election,United States,WTF

What to do America … you can do longer order the Obama flag of un-America.

It appears the tasteless Obama flag, entitled ‘Our Stripes’, has been removed from the shop Obama campaign store. Say it isn’t so, what is the LEFT going to do” How are they going to pledge allegiance to Obama without their pledge pin? Can America give a collective, WTF! How arrogant are these people that they would create such a piece of merchandise and charge $35 for the flag of the Obama states of un-America?  The reelect Obama team replaced the stars with the Obama campaign logo. I guess they could not figure out how many stars to put on the flag.

As reported at Buzz Feed, although the web page no longer brings up the offensive item, for those of you who think this is BS, the cached page still brings of the item; however, an error when one tries to add it to their cart. It is hard to believe that any other Presidential candidate would ever be so arrogant and narcissistic that they would even dream of doing such a thing. Then again, we have to remember who we are speaking of.

Also, let’s not forget the creepy fact that this Obama flag’s stripes have a hauntingly and grisly similarity to the pictures at the Libyan consulate in Benghazi that showed the the blood stained images of fingers being dragged across the column (picture can bee seen HERE). It is bad enough that Team Obama would try and create a flag in their Obamamessiah’s image, but to have it resemble the disastrous Obama foreign policy blunder and the murder of a US Ambassador, really?

No one can ever accuse Obama and his minions of having taste. Vave these people no shame at all?

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