Wonder Why Obama & Dems Are Fading Fast … Obama Loses His Mind at CT Rally for Blumenthall
Posted in: 2010 Elections,Barack Obama,Bizarre,Hope and Change,Lost in Smallness,Obamanation,Senate Elections,We the People,WTF,You Tube - VIDEO
See Obama, the great “teleprompter” Communicator lose his mind and control of the crowd …
Keep in mind, these are not Tea Party folk fired up against Obama, they are Democrats.
Watch the following VIDEO and you will begin to understand why 47% of Democrats want some one to run against Obama in the 2012 Democrat primaries. Watch the President become unhinged when he attacks and tried to tell “young people” of his own party what to do. In fact he tries to lecture them on how they should carry on their “Freedom of Speech”.
Not only does Obama attack his enemies, he attacks his own. Obama tells the protesters to go to the folks who are not interested in funding global Aides and chant at that rally. Sorry Mr. president, you do not get to tell people who, what, where or why people get to protest. The buck stops with you! By the way, who was this rally for again?
This is a must watch VIDEO as this rally spiraled out of control in an unreal way. Think Obama is not going to be a One Term “One-der”?
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