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August 09, 2010

In Texas Alone … 60,000 babies of noncitizens get U.S. birthright … The Intent of the 14th Amendment?

Posted in: Anchor Babies,Child Welfare,Illegal Immigration,Mexican Border Security,We the People,WTF


Are you serious,60,000 babies of noncitizens, get U.S. birthright in the state of Texas alone. This is hardly what the intent of the 14th Amendment was supposed to do. What a disgrace and slap in the face to the 14th Amendment. An Amendment adopted in 1868 as a way to block state laws that prevented former slaves from becoming citizens and over turn the Dred Scott decision. Why do we continue to benefit those who break the law and spit in the face of the 14th Amendment.


As Republican members of Congress press for changes to the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution, preventing automatic citizenship for babies born to illegal immigrants, opponents insist the debate is not really about babies.

Instead, they say it is about politics and votes – not fixing the immigration system.

Still, the debate could resonate in Texas, where not only 1.5 million illegal immigrants are estimated to reside but at least 60,000 babies are added to their households annually.

State Rep. Leo Berman, R-Tyler stated the following regarding the 14th Amendment and it was not meant to be applied to foreigners.

“I’ve checked the Congressional Record for when the 14th Amendment was written, and the author was quoted as saying that it did not apply to foreigners,” he said. “There’s no question in my mind about it.”

What the 14th Amendment was intended to do … not create anchor babies. Black in the United States should be offended in how an Amendment that was adopted to provide the children of slaves citizenship in the US, is now being used as a means for people to enter the country illegally and have children to gain rights and US citizenship. Prior to the 14th Amendment, blacks were considered property and could not gain citizenship. Isn’t it ironic that an Amendment adopted to right a wrong of people brought to the United States against their will is being used to benefit those who come to America illegally!

 The 14th Amendment was adopted in 1868 as a way to block state laws that prevented former slaves from becoming citizens. It also effectively overruled the Dred Scott decision of 1857 in which the U.S. Supreme Court declared that slaves were mere property and could not become citizens.

The amendment offered a broad definition of citizenship in one simple sentence: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States.”

Donald Kerwin, a vice president of the Migration Policy Institute in Washington, D.C., said he feared that altering the current interpretation of that law “would essentially restore the Dred Scott reasoning and create a hereditary underclass in the United States

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