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December 12, 2009

Barack Obama at -16 in Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll

Posted in: 2010 Elections,Barack Obama,Government,House Elections,Obamacare,Obamanation,Politics,Polls,Senate Elections,Socialism,We the People

Holy Cow Batman …

Who is on the wrong side of history?

President Barack Obama is at -16 in the latest Rasmussen Daily Presidential Tracking Poll. That represents the lowest rating that The One has ever had in this polling. This represents the 24th day in a polling row that Barack Obama has had a negative double digit Presidential tracking poll. OUCH!!! Only 25% of voters strongly agree with Obama as opposed to 41% who strongly disagree. The poll also shows that total approval to disapproval has dropped to 46% approval, 53% disapprove.

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows that 25% of the nation’s voters Strongly Approve of the way that Barack Obama is performing his role as President. Forty-one percent (41%) Strongly Disapprove giving Obama a Presidential Approval Index rating of -16. That’s the lowest Approval Index rating yet recorded for this President.


The 25% who Strongly Approve matches the lowest level of enthusiasm yet recorded. That’s partly the result of declining enthusiasm among Democrats. While Democrats continue to offer their approval, just 43% Strongly Approve.

Only 36% of all voters believe that Obama is doing a good or an excellent job handling the economy while 45% rate his performance as poor. 71% of Democrats say he’s doing a good or excellent job on the economy while. Interesting that the Democrat number is as low as 71% when it comes to their own candidate. However, 74% of Republicans say The One is doing a poor job with the economy and more importantly for Obama … 52% of affiliated voters give the President poor marks when it comes to the economy.

Now matter where you look, Obama’s poll numbers are sinking in epic Titanic fashion. When you look at the normal bell weather polling groups are Real Clear Politics, Obama is in some serious, serious trouble. We have disregarded polls that are obvious outliers. Obama basically finds himself with a +1 approval rating. As Real Clear Politics states, Obama has dropped under the 50% level and has continued to stay there.

Rasmussen Reports 12/9 – 12/11 46 53 -7
Gallup 12/7 – 12/11 50 44 +6
FOX News 12/8 – 12/9 50 44 +6
Marist 12/2 – 12/7 46 44 +2
Ipsos/McClatchy 12/3 – 12/6 49 49 Tie
Quinnipiac 12/1 – 12/6 46 44 +2
CNN/Opinion Research 12/2 – 12/3 48 50 -2

Why is Obama and the Democrat party in so much trouble? They refuse, out right refuse to listen to the overwhelming majority and mandate of the PEOPLE against Obamacare and the government take over of the health care system. Real Clear Politics has the healthcare RCP AVG at 37.8% approve to 52.7 oppose or a +14.9% oppose. However, if one only looks at the most recent December polling trends the numbers are even worse … only 37.3% approve while 55.3% oppose or a +18 oppose. The more “We the People” learn of Obamacare and see what Democrats look to ram down our throats, the more Americans oppose Obamacare.

We have to ask the obligatory question … who is on the wrong side of history? How could any President or political party so ignore the will of the People and treat them with such disdane? The 2010 elections look to be a political tsunami that has not ever been seen.

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