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November 11, 2009

DC Sniper John Allen Muhammad Executed by Lethal Injection … Good Riddance to Bad Rubbish

Posted in: Crime,Death Penalty,Deceased,Murder

DC sniper John Allen Muhammad won’t be down for breakfast …

48 year old John Allen Muhammad, the DC sniper who killed 10 people and terrorized the Washington, DC area in October, 2002 for a three week reign of terror has been executed. A remorseless John Allen Muhammad was executed by lethal injection. Too bad that we could not have had a public stoning instead for the crimes and misery this man inflicted upon so many.

The 48-year-old Muhammad looked calm and stoic, but was twitching and blinking, tapping his left foot as the injections began, defiant to the end, refusing to utter any final words. Victims’ families sat behind glass while watching, separated from the rest of the 27 witnesses, who were quiet, looking straight forward, intent on what was happening.

Prince William County prosecutor Paul Ebert said, “He [John Allen Muhammad] died very peacefully, much more than most of his victims.” Muhammad was executed for killing Dean Harold Meyers, who was shot in the head at a Manassas gas station. Another one of the snipers victims, Lori Ann Lewis-Rivera was gunned down as she vacuumed her van at a Maryland gas station.

John Allen Muhammad died by injection at 9:11 p.m. at Greensville Correctional Center, south of Richmond, VA. GOOD RIDDANCE!!!

Kudos to The Jawa Report, and I thought I was the only one who used the term … good riddance to bad rubbish.

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