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February 02, 2016

Hillary Clinton’s Unsecured Emails Had OPERATIONAL INTEL That Put LIVES in Jeopardy

Posted in: email,Email-Gate,Hillary Clinton,Home Land Security,Scandal,US National Security,You Got Email-gate

It turns out that Hillary Clinton’s emails are not a “nothing burger” as Clinton and her surrogates would want you to believe.

This Hillary Clinton scandal gets worse and worse and it makes one wonder just how long Democrats and the liberal MSM can ignore the obvious? Hillary Clinton is damaged goods and the latest revelation that the Top Secret emails found on Hillary’s “unclassified” personal bathroom server was colossally damaging to our national security and has put lives at risk. Everyone who defends Ms. Clinton asks, what difference does this scandal make? Really?

What Difference Does It Make That I Put Lives At Risk and Threatened National Security?

Hillary Clinton_What Difference Does it make

Nevertheless, Hillary has upped the ante by demanding that the twenty-two Top Secret emails that have been withheld by the State Department be released to the public so Americans can see that they are in fact innocuous, as Ms. Clinton and her defenders maintain. Yet this is pure political theater: she surely knows that the emails are not going to be released on security grounds anytime soon, probably not for several decades, at least.

What, then, is in those twenty-two emails? Contrary to the assertions of Team Clinton that the information was benign, a “nothing-burger” to cite her allies, implying that the overzealous Intelligence Community has classified information that doesn’t need protection, their contents are Top Secret with good reason. Hillary has opted for cries of “overclassification” as her last line of defense in EmailGate, notwithstanding that’s the choice of any officials in Washington, DC, who have broken secrecy laws and have no leg left to stand on.

Today FoxNews has reported that those twenty-two Top Secret emails included “operational intelligence” that involves espionage sources and methods, adding that lives have been put at risk by Hillary’s mishandling of this information.

The Right Scoop opines and quotes Joe Biden, “This is a BFD.”

I have to agree with Q and O 100%, because “any one who has ever worked in or around classified material understands how draconian the rules concerning their use are.” I have personally done so for years. When one does, you are provided continual education on how to handle material and asked to sign endless compliance forms that you have done so properly and will continue to do so. Anything Hilary Clinton did with regards to her emails and a private server circumventing the government process was an intentional act to hide things. There can be no other explanation. We are witness to the emails that have been deemed top secret; however, can you imagine what was on the emails that she destroyed, knowing how damning they were? How this woman is running for president is criminal and so are her actions.

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